Thursday, July 6, 2017

Leaving Oahu

We initially put our house on Zillow as For Sale By Owner. After a few unsuccessful showings, we decided that because of our time constraints (we wanted to leave when the boys were out of school in June), we needed a realtor. We put our house on the market with our friend who worked for Caldwell Banker. I resigned my position in May to be available for the boys and to prep the house for showings. Our boys finished kindergarten and first grade at their awesome school, Island Pacific Academy in Kapolei.  I can't say enough good things about this school! It was definitely bittersweet saying good bye to their friends. We quickly got a full price offer for our house which was amazing but we found the entire "selling" process to be quite stressful. I joked that natural childbirth was actually easier! John flew to Maui to work for 2 weeks and I had to hire contractors for the roof & pool repair plus schedule the tenting for termites. In the midst of all this, I had to deal with my oldest son being bullied at school and a crazy lady who didn't like a decision we had made. The repairs were done. Inspections completed. And finally we got the green light that the sale would proceed and we had 6 days to vacate the home our boys had grown up in. Then John got sick and that cold just lingered. We scrambled to finish packing boxes and load two shipping cubes. The boys were really good sports about their toys being packed up. And THEN... we decided that MAYBE we should take some furniture that could ONLY be found in Hawaii. And so we shopped. And then shopped some more. And we hit the motherload of amazing Koa and Mango furniture... dining room table, benches, chairs, desk, lamp stands, end tables and more!!

We were scheduled to fly the red eye to San Diego on July 6th. A last minute load of laundry resulted in throwing out all but one shirt that my husband couldn't part with because our super awesome washer decided NOT to do a spin cycle and the clothes were sopping wet. We didn't have time to wait for it to dry. We said goodbye to our home and headed to the airport with 8 bags to check, 4 carryons, 4 personal items and 2 car seats in our rental truck. Thankfully, the rental car agency drove us to the airport so we didn't have to load all of that onto a shuttle. We were about 3.5 hours early for our flight so keeping the boys amused was fun. We settled into our seats with our brand new super comfy neck pillows and were praying the boys would sleep during the flight. Aiden, our oldest, fell asleep almost immediately. Wyatt eventually fell asleep. John and I were just drifting off when Wyatt woke up hacking and gagging. He felt nauseous from the mild turbulence and we were up for the rest of the flight to Los Angeles. We landed and had a snack prior to boarding our plane to San Diego. After an uneventful flight, we landed bright and early at Lindbergh Field. John got all 16 bags to the curb then he hopped a shuttle to the car rental agency. The boys were not happy that it was too sunny to see their iPads. John returned half hour later with the rental truck. We loaded all 16 bags and the car seats then north to Poway. We couldn't get into our hotel until 11am and we had time to kill. #sadface 

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